(Scuse for the bad traduction, it was an automatic traduction... if a people want to traduct this file, he can contact traduction@alexphpteam.com. THANKS !).

Installation consigns:

Begin by making chmod777 (UNIX) on the following files:
- "Identif/logins.php3",
- "Identif/admin_infos.php3",
- "messages.ebs".

For certain host this operation is not compulsory, if you do not know how to do it, test the install, with a little luck you will not be obliged it...:o)

If you are nevertheless obliged to make this operation, to look at the following explanations:
How to change the right UNIX (chmod) of a file? (In our case, chmod 777)

Know first of all that this operation is extremely simple. Begin by downloading a software of transfer of files (FTP) which allows it, use WS_FTP for example by clicking here.

With this software (WS_STP), once the golden book transferred on the server of your host, click each their tour 3 files requiring right private individuals with the right button of the mouse, there, choose "chmod (UNIX)".

You should then arrive on a window of this style:

Mark all the compartments then click on OK. Make this operation on 3 wanted files a little higher and it is everything :o)

Henceforth it does not stay in you more than to throw the automatic installation: setup.php3.

That all, your guestbook is installed !
You can look him (after the setup of course !) here: alex_livre_or.php3.
 ----->> This guestbook is supplied with GPL license (free), you should respect the conditions of uses.

________________________________________________ ___________
@lex EBS Guestbook,  version 1.3 creation @lexPHPteam
Copyright © - all rights reserved (2001)